Istanbul – grad na sudaru svetova

Poslednji dan našeg boravka u Istanbulu iskoristile smo za obilazak modernog dela grada. Iako je bio tmuran, oblačan i kišovit dan to ne predstavlja prepreku kada imate ograničeno vreme za obilazak novog grada i neizmernu želju da do poslednjeg momenta upijate sve što ovaj grad može da vam…

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Beirut – an impressive city full of contrasts

The Lebanese capital has a lot to offer. As I’ve already mentioned in my previous post about Lebanon, it is a cosmopolitan city full of contrasts. You can see churches next to mosques, skyscrapers versus small houses, buildings destroyed in the war and a lot of new construction areas, etc.…
Beirut, Lebanon
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Istanbul – prestonica starog sveta (I deo)

Kako je mojoj drugarici Nataši i meni oduvek bila želja da posetimo Istanbul zbog njegovog velikog istorijskog i kulturnog značaja, nakon određenog vremena i to je došlo na red. Početak juna, te 2015. godine nam se učinio kao idealno vreme za beg od svakodnevnice na nekoliko dana. Sletele…
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Where the worlds collide – Istanbul, Turkey

The next day it was time for more exploring. This time we visited the modern part of the city. It was cloudy and rainy day, but that’s never an obstacle when you have a limited time and unlimited desire to soak up everything new city has to offer. Firstly…
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